One of the major challenges of owning a small business is getting your brand recognized. Of course, getting your brand recognized on a tight marketing budget is even harder. While small businesses can benefit from investing in high-end digital marketing plans or television advertising, many new companies simply don’t have the budget. But you’re not out of luck. There’s a great way to advertise your brand to potential customers on a tight budget — car wraps.
Here are just a few reasons that many small business owners are investing in car wraps to boost brand recognition.
A Mobile Call To Action
In the days of high-speed Internet and smartphones, your vehicles can become mobile calls to action. Let’s say you own a plumbing company. When you invest in vehicle wraps for your service vehicles, you can include your phone number and website information. This makes it easier for potential customers to discover your business and contact you. That’s why many businesses now include their social media links in their vehicle wraps. While this might not make sense for the plumbing van, a food truck could benefit greatly from including their Instagram or Twitter handle on their car wrap.
About 71% of people will look at the messages on roadside advertising. That being said, many people have become almost completely desensitized to the look of traditional billboards and advertising messages. But anyone who’s driving a vehicle has to be focused on the road and other vehicles around them. Because of this, small businesses that invest in car wraps can get their message out to thousands of consumers. And because they are mobile, vehicles with car wraps can get much more visibility than traditional billboards.
Speaking of which…
A well-placed sign can expose local consumers to your brand about 50 to 60 times per month. But one of the best benefits of car wraps is that they can go wherever your vehicles go, maximizing your reach all over your service area. Billboards and other types of outdoor signs have a more localized audience, and for certain types of businesses, this could negatively impact sales. Wrapping vehicles, even just a few, can help to improve brand awareness. When used in conjunction with your primary business signage, you can maximize your audience. Wherever your vehicles go, your brand goes, too.
On average, consumers are exposed to 3,000 ads and promotional messages every day, making it essential to invest in multiple forms of advertising. But car wraps can be customized in countless ways, allowing your business to show its unique and creative side to potential customers. Think about any repetitive or annoying commercial you see on television all the time — they can actually turn customers away from supporting a business. But car wraps aren’t designed to be over the top or ‘in your face’ — they’re simply designed to allow your business to communicate its message clearly, concisely, and creatively. A well-designed car wrap can instantly communicate your company’s brand message at a glance.
About half of all the customers who enter a business will do so because of its signage, at least in part. Yet when designing graphics for your business, simplicity is key. Fortunately, when it comes to the mechanics of car wraps, your business can rest assured that they’re quite easy to design and install. Many types of signage involve heavy lifting or working with machinery, but car wraps are the perfect balance between simplicity and cost. It’s typically best to have a number of different designs when wrapping cars, depending on your industry, but an eye-catching design is imperative to memorability and making a lasting impression.
Finally, it’s important to consider the sheer novelty of car wraps and their customized designs. Most of the vehicles you see on road and highways are relatively plain. Sure, you might see a unique color once in a while, but for the most part, not many vehicles stand out. Vehicles with car wraps are instantly more appealing to the eye, making them stand out and leave a lasting impression. Plus, it’s not only drivers that see them: passengers and pedestrians are sure to take note as well.
Nearly 85% of people surveyed agreed or strongly agreed that signs can “convey the personality or character of the business,” and these reasons make it worthwhile to invest in car wraps for your advertising needs. For more information about advertising on business vehicles, contact Accurate Signs.